Brand Enterprises
We’re a team of professionals working together with commitment to one another and the ultimate goal of natural, clean label, eco-friendly options. A goal of not merely producing a product but one of helping people and businesses transform their lives, through proper nutrition, sound dietary habits, and lifestyle changes, the ultimate goal of vibrant health for ourselves and the planet. #EATWELL #LIVEGREEN #GONATIVE
Our Vision
We’re building a business characterized by high standards in all aspects of our company. From the organic farms that grow our foods, through the production, packaging and transportation of our products, to the Native associates who communicate with our retailers and the people who enjoy our products.
Our watchwords—nutritious, healthier people and a sustainable footprint—express our commitment to move beyond conventional food industry practices to embrace a bigger picture that supports the long-term well-being of humanity as a whole.

Our Native Brand
Native is American Brands Enterprises’ flagship product line. Native’s purpose is to produce the highest quality consumer packaged goods items and to provide superior nutritional value to our customers. Native foods are made from only the finest wholesome ingredients available. We’ve put our hearts and souls into developing healthy, nutritious and delicious foods. We’re passionate about good, all-natural ingredients and Native is simply an expression of our goal to make food better!

Why is So Important?
Preserving the Environment - Agriculture chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides are harming ecosystems and the “runoff” is poisoning our water supply.
No Hormones – Hormones in our food supply is a major concern for the large majority of consumers. There are many questions about side effects including increased cancer risks, potential genetic problems and children entering early puberty. In Europe, their scientific community has reached a decision that there is no acceptable level for hormones in the food supply and has banned its use completely!
No Antibiotics – Doctors and scientists alike are warning of the potential disaster that exists from the overuse of antibiotics. “Superbugs” are already evolving with immunity to most antibiotics. Most experts believe the potential for an epidemic that is immune to antibiotics is very real.
No GMO’s – Genetically Modified Organisms are entering our food supply at a rapid rate. The current consequences are unknown and long term effects could be dangerous. Currently there is a movement to require labeling by it is not mandatory yet. Buying organic is the only way to be certain your food is wholesome.
Proper Labeling – Some foreign countries have a long history of mislabeling food and in some cases these foods have been contaminated with toxic chemicals.
More Nutrients – Organically grown foods have more vitamins, minerals, and enzymes because they are grown in well balanced healthy soil.
Better Taste – Just taste if for yourself! A perfect example is found in the heirloom varieties. Comparing an heirloom tomato to a commercially produced tomato isn’t a fair fight.

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© 2022 American Brand Enterprise, LLC